
The Benefits of Peptides for Muscle-Building

Muscle Building Peptides

What Are Peptides and How Do They Work?

Peptides are molecules consisting of two or more amino acids linked by a chemical bond. Peptides can be short or long, and they can be naturally occurring or synthetic. In the body, peptides are used to regulate many different processes. They are also used in medicine to treat a wide range of diseases.

Most peptides have one or more functions: they can serve as hormones, neurotransmitters, cytokines (signaling molecules involved in immune responses), growth factors (signaling proteins that control cell growth), and cellular messengers. These functions help regulate metabolism, blood pressure, and circulation; they also play essential roles in other bodily functions such as digestion, reproduction, and immunity.

Do Peptides Build Muscle?

Peptides are a group of compounds that consist of amino acids. They are the building blocks of proteins and have many different functions in the body. Some peptides are responsible for communication between cells and tissues in your body, while others help fight infection or heal wounds.

The peptides used in hormone replacement therapy (HRT) may also improve muscle growth, strength, and performance. HRT with testosterone pellets can treat male hypogonadism, which affects 1 out of 10 men over 30 years old. This condition causes low libido, erectile dysfunction, and decreased muscle mass and strength.

Muscle Building Peptides
How Does CJC-1295 Work?

CJC-1295 stimulates HGH secretion and can provide a steady increase of HGH (Human Growth Hormone) with minimal effect on cortisol and prolactin levels. This means increased protein synthesis thus promoting growth and fat loss simultaneously. Ipamorelin mimics ghrelin and binds to the ghrelin receptor (or GH secretagogue receptor, GHSR) in the brain, thereby selectively stimulating the release of GH from the pituitary gland. This results in increased plasma GH levels, which affect many biological processes. Unlike other GH-releasing peptides, Ipamorelin only stimulates GH release in a manner very similar to that of growth hormone-releasing hormone. This combination results in a great aid for sleep, energy, stamina, and recovery benefits.

CJC-1295/Ipamorelin reduces recovery time and increases lean muscle mass. This is a great peptide to help improve workouts and reduce body fat percentage.

What’s The Difference Between CJC-1295 and Tesamorelin

Tesamorelin is the only secretagogue that is approved for abdominal fat loss, compared to CJC-1295/Ipamorelin. Men who add weight in the belly (abdomen) should be directed to use tesamorelin over CJC-1295/Ipamorelin. The dose of tesamorelin ranges from 500mcg to 2mg, with nightly subcutaneous injections for five nights in a row. Patients should stop taking this for two consecutive. Results vary based on diet and exercise routine. However, patients can decrease body fat percentage by 3%-9% points over six to twelve months.

Does CJC-1295 Always Require Injections?

CJC-1295 comes in various formulations, including troches (tro-keys) and subcutaneous injection. Subcutaneous injection of peptides will always provide superior absorption and results compared to oral ingestion. Many patients are unable to self-inject and opt for troches. Patients should double or triple the dose when using troches, as most of the medication is lost in absorption. Another advantage of using troches is the ability to compound CJC-1295 with another peptide, like AOD-9604.

What Is The Dose For CJC-1295 and Tesamorelin?

The dose for CJC-1295 and Tesamorelin depends on the route of administration, height, weight, and gender of the patient. The table below provides a guideline for dosing CJC-1295 and Tesamorelin. However, your provider should help guide your dosing.

PeptideMale DoseFemale DoseDose Schedule
CJC-1295/Ipamorelin Injection200/200mcg – 400/800mcg200/200mcg – 500/500mcg5 nights on 2 nights off
CJC-1295/Ipamorelin/IGF1 LR3500/375/25mcg125/280/18mcg – 200/400/20mcg5 nights on 2 nights off
CJC-1295/Ipamorelin Troche600/600mcg300/300mcg5 nights on 2 nights off
CJC-1295/Ipamorelin/AOD9604 Troche300/200/300mcg300/200/300mcg5 nights on 2 nights off
Ipamorelin/Tesamorelin Injection100/200mcg – 125/625mcg100/200mcg – 125/625mcg5 nights on 2 nights off
Tesamorelin Injection500mcg – 2000mcg500mcg – 2000mcg5 nights on 2 nights off

How Long Before CJC-1295 or Tesamorelin Starts To Work?

Weight Management

CJC-1295 / Ipamorelin is considered a long-term therapy, over months. All growth hormones take months before the benefit is appreciated.

In the first 3 months we anticipate:

  • Increased energy and metabolism
  • Improved stamina, libido, and mental focus
  • Quality REM sleep
  • Enhanced appearance of hair, skin and nails.

In months 4-6 we anticipate:

  • Weight loss
  • Adding lean muscle mass, in proportion to body
  • Hair and skin appearance improvement
  • Decrease in body fat percentage by 3-9%

How Long Should I stay on CJC-1295 or Tesamorelin?

Patients should anticipate staying on Sermorelin or Tesamorelin for 6-12 months at a minimum to reach body fat reduction goals of 3-9%. Of course, this requires that patients balance their diet and exercise. Patients need to reduce their intake of sugar and high-fat food items and restrict carbs throughout the day, except after working out at the gym. This includes using casein protein at night before bed and whey or plant protein after regular workouts. Workouts should be focused on cardio, with low weights and high repetitions when starting CJC-1295 or tesamorelin. After three months, patients will need to switch to reduced cardio, with high weights and low repetitions. Patients who require weight loss should start with semaglutide before switching to CJC-1295 or Tesamorelin.

How Do You Order CJC-1295 or Tesamorelin?

Ordering CJC-1295 or Tesamorelin as an injectable or troche has never been easier. Mobile Care Health offers dozens of formulations of CJC-1295/Ipamorelin and Tesamorelin, including IGF1LR3, to improve insulin sensitivity. “We currently offer telehealth for peptides in 28 states and counting,” said Dr Jake Weinstein, Nurse Practitioner and owner of Mobile Care Health. He added, “Patients are taking control of their health, now, more than ever, including non-traditional medicine. This means patients seek peptide therapy, PRP, and sexual health, from providers who understand peptides and other non-mainstream solutions. People want to improve the quality of their life and prevent disease, not just have an annual exam that offers little benefit.” If you are interested in peptide therapy, contact Mobile Care Health for a consult.

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Clayton Evans

Clayton Evans is an IFA Certified Personal Trainer and IFA Certified Sports Nutritionist with over 5 years of experience in the health and fitness Industry. After years of struggling with his own health and fitness, Clayton lost over 30 lbs and started a career helping others achieve the best version of themselves. Clayton spent several years working with large corporate gyms developing fitness programs and working with Nutrition and Wellness Companies to improve a client’s overall health. His approach with clients is simple – small changes in fitness and diet that will have the largest impact and will fit into a client’s busy lifestyle.

Chad Antonson

Chad is a native of Colorado, growing up on the western slope. He moved to the Denver area in 2019 after working as a wild land firefighter through Job Corps. In his free time he enjoys hiking, skiing and traveling.

Brooke Young

Brooke is a skilled and compassionate Adult Nurse Practitioner with over 10 years of experience in healthcare and a passion for helping patients achieve optimal health and wellness. Brooke holds a Master of Science in Nursing with a specialization in adult health and gerontology from Maryville University of St. Louis. She completed post-graduate training in functional medicine through the Institute for Functional Medicine and obtained her NP board certification through the American Academy of Nurse Practitioners Credentialing Board in 2019. As a Nurse Practitioner, Brooke seeks to address the root causes of disease and treat the whole person, rather than just the symptoms. She believes in taking a personalized and holistic approach to each patient. She has special interests in helping patients heal from metabolic syndrome, achieve their weight loss goals, optimize fertility, and recover from complex chronic illness. In her free time, Brooke enjoys hiking, reading, rollerblading, cooking healthy meals, and spending time with her fun-loving husband and spirited toddlers. She is excited to partner with you on your health journey and support you in achieving your goals.

Kyle Christensen

Kyle is a career Firefighter/Paramedic with extensive experience in the Denver metro area. He holds a bachelors of Health and Exercise Science from CSU. Kyle enjoys weightlifting, skiing, boating, and all the outdoor activities Colorado has to offer.

Jacqueline Carbone

Jacqueline Carbone is a highly experienced nurse practitioner that specializes in providing her clients with holistic, evidenced based, compassionate care. She specializes in Mental health, ketamine assisted therapy and Migraines. She is board certified from the American Nurses Credentialing Center. Jacque has her post Masters certificate from University of Colorado in Psychiatric Mental Health and two master’s degrees—one in acute care/geriatric nursing and one as a clinical specialist in geriatrics—from Georgetown University. She has also completed a fellowship with Dr Arnaldo DeSilva a headache specialist. She is passionate about providing a holistic treatment plan for her clients.

Steve Ohl

Steve is a native of Colorado with bachelors in culinary nutrition. He worked as a classically trained chef, for over a decade. After chef life he shifted careers to join Mobile Care Health as our Operations Manager. Steve enjoys Crossfit, boating, road trips and camping.

Dr. Michael McGurren

Dr Michael McGurren was born and raised in Denver, Colorado. He graduated from Creighton University Medical School, and was the Chief Resident followed at Barnes-Jewish in St. Louis. He is board certified in Emergency Medicine and provides medical direction, as well as urgent care services for Mobile Care Health. In his free time he can be found sailing around the world, with a captains license and over 2500 nautical miles sailed. On shore he enjoys traveling with wife and pup Kylo in custom campervan.